


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学基金会. (“基金会”) 和 the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 (“大学”) Division of Advancement (“Division”) have served the 大学 in a variety of ways over its 100+ year history. 该司的主要任务是管理市场营销, 通信, 筹款和拓展其成员,包括校友, 捐助者和其他(统称为“组成部分”). The 基金会 operates as a separate legal entity 和 its primary mission is fundraising to support the 大学 和 its students.

基金会和分部明白收集, 存储和跟踪个人信息是一个敏感的话题, 并致力于保护其隐私. This Privacy Notice addresses concerns about personal data collection 和 provides information about what is collected 和 how it is used. 请联系Jeanette Hanlein, advance Services的执行董事 hanleinj@lohrmannclub.net or 973-655-7066,就这项政策提出任何问题或疑虑.


The 基金会 和 Division strive to provide meaningful value in programs 和 服务 to build upon the relationship that is established with the alumnus/a as a student. 建立这种关系是大学学生和校友持续成功的关键, 通过获取和维护有关成分的信息, communicating professionally 和 regularly to constituents with meaningful messages engaging constituents in programs, 通过为他们的生活提供增值服务, 并通过筹款来支持大学.


Personal Information is information that personally identifies you or from which you could be identified.  这可能包括您的姓名,地址,电话号码,电子邮件地址和专业或职业.

大学和基金会收藏, export 和 use personal information to manage your relationship 和 to better serve you by personalizing your experience 和 interaction. 大学和基金会可能会通过您使用的网站收集您的个人信息, 基于web的应用程序, 或者当你完成在线表格时. 个人信息不包括汇总信息或非个人身份信息.


为校友, 捐助者及选民, 我们可能会向以下选择的第三方关系披露信息:

同意. 如果我们得到您的同意,我们可能会向第三方披露信息.

法律规定. 我们将在法律要求的范围内与第三方共享您的信息, 法院命令, 或传票.

去识别和聚合信息. We use 和 disclose information about our 捐助者及选民 in de-identified or aggregate form without limitation.

大学附属项目 和 服务提供商. We may share information with third parties that are affiliated with the 大学 for the purpose of contacting you about goods, 服务, 慈善捐赠或你可能感兴趣的经历. We may also use third parties who have entered into a contract with the 大学 to support the administration of 基金会 和 Division’s operations 和 policies. 在这种情况下, we share your information with such third parties on the condition that they use it only for the purposes for which it was shared, 他们会保密, 他们保护它不被未经授权的泄露.

公共信息.  Information may be shared with third parties without your consent if you have manifestly made it public.

For our constituents residing in the EU – Our Compliance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR)

GDPR为在欧盟创建或发送的个人数据提供了额外的保护. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学有学生, 包括校友, 来自世界各地, 基金会和部门可能会出于营销目的处理来自欧盟的个人数据. The GDPR stipulates that consent to process personal data must be freely given in an intelligible 和 easily accessible form, 使用清晰易懂的语言. 如果你是欧盟公民, 希望提供或撤回同意大学处理您的个人信息, 请访问GDPR同意书(http://montclairconnect).org/consent-form).

请联系Jeanette Hanlein, advance Services的执行董事 hanleinj@lohrmannclub.net or 973-655-7066 有任何关于GDPR的问题或担忧.

修改或销毁您的个人信息的请求必须提交给: eugdpr-adv@lohrmannclub.net.   The manner of destruction shall be appropriate to preserve 和 ensure the confidentiality of your information given the level of sensitivity, 对大学和/或基金会的价值和重要性.


The 基金会 和 Division use administrative technical 和 physical security measures to protect personal information, 考虑到自然, 范围, context 和 purposes of the processing 和 the risks of varying likelihood 和 severity for your rights 和 freedoms.


Your information will be retained by Advancement in accordance with the applicable retention periods in the Record Retention Schedule adopted by the State of New Jersey, 财政部, Division of Revenue 和 Enterprise Services – Record Management Services that is applicable to Four Year Colleges 和 Universities, 和 in accordance with the Records 和 Retention Policy established by the 基金会 pursuant to the requirements of the U.S. 美国国税局.


大学网站的一些功能, 其中包括基金会的出席, 启用信用卡交易, 个人信息的提交完全是自愿的. 这些功能可能包括通过活动注册或捐赠购买门票. We collect banking 和 credit card information from you in connection with donations you may make to the 基金会 on behalf of the 大学. 信誉良好的第三方商家处理商, financial institutions 和 software vendors h和le our credit card transactions pursuant to written agreements with the 大学 or the 基金会 that require them to maintain the confidentiality of these records.

Our Merchant Services Agreement deployed to process online credit card transactions on our website utilizes industry st和ard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) servers to encrypt your information 和 to prevent unauthorized access.

You are not responsible for unauthorized transactions posted to your credit card that occur as a result of submitting a credit card number to this site. 我们的网站在交易页面上使用行业标准的安全套接字层(SSL)服务器. 它会加密你所有的个人信息,包括姓名, address 和 credit card number to prevent unauthorized access as the information travels over the Internet.

该网站可在全球范围内使用. All matters relating to the site are governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey in the United States. 您提供的任何信息将被转移到美国. 通过访问本网站并提交信息,您授权此转让.

该网站包含第三方网站的链接. We are solely responsible for the privacy practices of our own website 和 not the privacy practices of the linked websites. We strongly encourage you to be aware of the privacy statements of these other websites 和 to read their statements before submitting your personal data through those third party websites.


You must have a secure browser—one that supports secure transmission of data across the Internet—to remit donations to the 基金会 or to receive payment from the 大学 or the 基金会. 有关浏览器安全功能的更多信息,请使用浏览器的帮助功能.

We implement appropriate technical 和 organizational security measures to protect your information when you transmit it to us 和 when we store it on our information technology systems. 不幸的是,没有数据传输或存储可以保证100%的安全. 当您通过互联网向我们发送信用卡信息时, 我们使用行业标准的SSL(安全套接字层)加密. Your password is protected so that only you can access it 和 view the information that you provide to us through the online applicants’ site.  我们强烈建议您不要与任何人分享您的密码.


